The Process

Welcome to Frenza Fit 1:1 Coaching Program! 

I have a great offer to work together in our signature Frenza Fit 1:1 coaching program to take your results to the next level.

This offer is for Women who are ready to end the frustration of spinning their wheels and would like to expedite their progress and finally feel in control of their physical results.

On average, you can expect to lose between 10-40 lbs (depending on the timeframe) while improving your relationship with food and feeling a total sense of confidence in maintaining your results for life.

We Work together on the following: 

Phase 1 -Restore

Metabolic Priming – This initial phase is all about setting the stage for effective and sustainable fat loss. This phase is crucial, often overlooked by many in pursuit of rapid results. Skipping this phase simply delays results in the long run (typically known as yo-yo dieting) . The benefits of priming extend beyond supporting your fat loss and body composition goals. It’s about health and longevity as well.

We focus on nourishing your body, regulating stress, and maintaining a robust metabolism. It’s like laying a solid foundation for your fitness house, ensuring everything we build upon it stands strong and lasts long.

  • Lose inches
  • Improved Sleep and sleep quality
  • Learn how to properly nourish your body
  • Better mood
  • Increase in body strength
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Faster Metabolism 

Phase 2 - Lean Out

Sculpting your dream body – With a strong foundation, we move to sculpting your dream figure.  The second phase is called the LEAN OUT phase and because we did the foundational work in the first phase, your body will effortlessly lets go of body fat. 

In this phase, you’ll see noticeable changes as your body easily sheds fat.  We target specific areas to create an hourglass figure – toned legs, lifted glutes, a v taper back, and defined shoulders.

Our goal is to help you look stunning in all your favorite outfits, from jeans to swimsuits.  This phase is about reshaping your body and enhancing body definition for a truly transformed appearance.

  • Lose 1- 2 + dress sizes
  • Lose 10– 40 + lbs.
  • Get toned and defined
  • Create and Hourglass Body
  • Increase in confidence
  • Feel great about your body 

phase 3 - Sustain

The ultimate goal of any fitness journey is sustainability.

In this final phase, we focus on integrating your new habits into everyday life.

This means balancing fitness with social events, family dinners, and even indulgences like alcohol.

It’s about crafting a flexible approach that accommodates your lifestyle, including challenges like perimenopause and menopause.  

This phase is tailored to fit your life, ensuring the changes are sustainable and enjoyable.  

We provide mindset coaching, habit creation, and lifestyle integration to ensure you maintain your results for life. 

  • Feel confident and fearless about your food choices
  • Gain education and knowledge about nutrition and training for life
  • Learn to live a Fit lifestyle and never go on a diet again
  • Master the habits to keep the weight off forever
  • Walk around looking fit 365 days of the year

how we help you with this process:

This program is especially beneficial for busy women, including those navigating the challenges of perimenopause and menopause as we are skilled in helping women during this phase of their life. 

This process has to make sense for all the demands in your life in order for the results to last forever.

We address the above items in the order that will make the most sense for you and your unique situation. We make changes based on what’s working best.

You will get a customized nutrition protocol where you will know exactly what your portions sizes are to reach your goals.   There is lots of food freedom as you will not be restricted to eating foods you love and access to lots of family friendly meals so that you can eat meals with your family and not be the odd one out.    We believe in having a very flexible approach to nutrition so that it is sustainable.  

You will also receive a customized training program based on your fitness level that you can do at a gym or at home.   This is a user friendly app that makes working out easy as you can do the workouts at times that work best for you and your schedule.  

You get bi-weekly check-ins (zoom / phone calls, or texts or whatever communication style works best for you) and 7 day per week text support to help you through this process. Each check-in, we look at your progress and make specific recommendations on what exactly to change or implement in the following week.  

This level of personalized care ensures that your plan is constantly evolving to meet your changing needs and preferences.

Your dedicated coach will expertly craft and oversee your plan, pinpointing the specific approaches that resonate with your body and enhance your results. This personalized strategy extends beyond physical training, encompassing mindset development, habit formation, and seamlessly blending these elements into your daily life.

The degree of personal attention and responsibility provided in the Frenza Fit coaching program is unparalleled, ensuring a deeply tailored and effective journey towards your fitness goals.

In order to qualify for this offer:

You must meet the following criteria:

  • Be genuinely committed to improving your fitness.
  • Be willing to actively work towards and stick to your fitness goals.
  • This is not for you if you need to be convinced as to why this is important. 
  • Feel ready to move on from the frustration of trying to figure this out alone or with programs that haven’t worked for you.
  • The physical piece has been eluding you for long enough and you’re ready to finally be done with the wasted time and energy you’ve spent spinning your Wheels.


This offer is for those ready to commit, ready to transform, and ready to embrace a new, healthier, and happier version of themselves.

This opportunity is available at an affordable, low four-figure investment. While the investment is modest, the benefits are substantial, including enduring peace of mind, a newfound confidence in your appearance, and significant savings as you won’t need to invest in any further programs.

Additionally, you’ll experience a reduction in stress, freedom from food-related anxiety, and the satisfaction of finally achieving your physical health goals.

Interested in this offer?

The next step is simple… 

You can book a FREE Call or fill out our coaching application HERE. 

We’ll ask to have a quick conversation and can tell with a pretty short dialogue whether you’re a fit or not, and if you are, we can get you started this this week. 

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Join My Private Facebook Group

This group is dedicated to all things fat loss and metabolism, especially how to navigate these challenges during perimenopause and menopause.

What you will get in this group:

Join My Private Facebook Group

This group is dedicated to all things fat loss and metabolism, especially how to navigate these challenges during perimenopause and menopause.

What you will get in this group: